TRCS Speeda

TRCS Speeda

rabies vaccine


The Thai Red Cross Society




Concise Prescribing Info
Chromatographically purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (freeze-dried, rabies virus L-pasteur PV-2061 propagated on Vero cell & inactivated by β-propiolactone) ≥2.5 IU
Pre- & post-exposure immunization against rabies.
Dosage/Direction for Use
IM 0.5 mL dose inj in deltoid for adult & anterio-lateral region of thigh for childn. Intradermal 0.1 mL dose (per site) inj in upper arm. Pre-exposure schedule 2 inj on Days 0 & 7. Person at high risk of contacting rabies virus or immunodeficiency 3 inj on Days 0, 7 & 21 or 28. Post-exposure schedule Non-immunized subjects IM 5 inj (0.5 mL) on Days 0, 3, 7, 14 & 28. Intradermal 1 dose (0.1 mL) at 2 different sites, left & right upper arm, on Days 0, 3, 7 & 28. Previously fully immunized subjects Vaccine exposure <6 mth: 1 inj on Day 0; >6 mth: 2 inj on Days 0 & 3.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis immunization: Hypersensitivity. Seriously chronic & hypersensitive disease; nervous system disease. Delay vaccination in active period of acute fever & pregnancy.
Special Precautions
Do not inj IV or in gluteal region. Not to be administered vaccine & anti-rabies Ig w/ same syringe & inj site. Not to be administered intradermally in individuals receiving long-term corticosteroid or other immunosuppressive therapy or chloroquine; in immunocompromised individuals. Administer immediately a new dose intradermally if vaccine is inadvertently given SC or IM.
Adverse Reactions
Pain, redness, edema, pruritus, inj site induration; little fever, chill, asphyxia, atony, giddy, arthralgia, muscle pain, GI disorder. Anaphylaxis eg, tetter, nettle rash.
Drug Interactions
Ab production may be affected by corticosteroids & immunosuppressants.
MIMS Class
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
ATC Classification
J07BG01 - rabies, inactivated, whole virus ; Belongs to the class of rabies viral vaccines.
TRCS Speeda inj
(+ 1 amp diluent) 0.5 mL x 1's
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